Baden-Württemberg International

›We make Baden-Württemberg international.‹ With this claim, which self-confidently declares the name of the state agency as its mission, BW_i launches its new communicative and visual positioning in 2021. BW_i is the internationalization service provider for the state of Baden-Württemberg, providing numerous services and products to encourage foreign companies to settle in the federal state and enable local businesses to expand globally – thus making an important contribution to the state's position as the leading innovation region in Europe.- We design the right communication for such a high level of innovation.


Our joint process with Baden-Württemberg International started at the very root – with a brand workshop in which the identity and future direction were captured, sharpened and brought to the point. 'My BW_i' emerges as a working title for a new mindset that is to find its way into communication as a key principle. Instead of lexical provision of content, the offers and information should in future move more and more towards the addressees and be communicated according to their individual preferences - especially on the digital layer of communication.

Translating visually

The progressive attitude continues in the development of the visuals, the new corporate design. The principle of maximum clarity finds translation in the striking logo, in self-confident, edgy typography, in bold and consistent color schemes. A graphic grid created with generative design technology -which thematically combines structural knowledge about the country and the dynamics of economic potential- becomes the defining design element of the new design.

Sustainable empowerment

Classic static design manuals are quickly outdated and inconvenient to update to a new state that is directly available to all relevant stakeholders. We reverse this principle, making the corporate visual identity an ever-evolving project that can respond quickly to technologies and channels. We open up and maintain spaces in which the brand can develop, create a central digital design guide that provides a wide variety of users with all the data that is important to them, up-to-date and at any time.


  • Consulting
    • Brand Consulting
    • Digital Consulting
    • Communicative Strategy
  • Identity
    • Values
    • Mission
    • Vision
    • Benefits
    • Brand Architecture
  • Marketing
    • Messaging House
    • Claim
  • Design
    • Brand Design System
    • Corporate Design Guide
    • Visual Design System
    • Logo Redesign
  • Digital
    • Digital Communicative Model
    • UX Design / UX Model
    • Website Architecture
    • Website Screendesign
  • Print
    • Stationery
    • Template Programmheft
    • Template Festivalkatalog

Strenghtening the digital

The relaunch of BW_i begins with the new website. For the first time, all the newly created communicative, visual and content assets are united here. And the principles of the 'My BW_i' thought model also make their first appearance, letting visitors choose their interests and delivering individually relevant content or making it more visible. Together with an innovative, yet accessible operating concept, the foundation for a communication hub around the topics of internationalization and settlement is emerging.

The new BW_i website!

The Digital Design Guide

Image Styles

More to come - we are excited about a great project result and a strong and innovative future with and for BW_i.