
The name is a manifestation of the consultancy's claim: the best way is the king's path (transl. Königsweg), which takes into account all relevant factors and aspects. A brand development that begins with the corporate identity and even the naming and finds its conclusion in a consistent playout on different channels. Clear and bold: This mantra forms the visual translation of the credo.

The following communicative core objectives were to be achieved in the corporate design process:

  • Uncovering and defining a holistic corporate identity.
  • Formation of a name
  • Analysis of the competitive environment / overall market
  • Environment analysis / analysis of the communication landscape
  • Analysis & definition of target groups
  • Exposure and definition of design attributes as well as drafting of design routes
  • Procedural, multi-stage conception phase

A bold, contrasting color code leaves no room for compromise, misunderstanding or interpretation. Strong typography creates differentiation and carries the traits of willpower. Even a separate symbol for clarity is created, which is centrally applied communicatively as an organizing as well as pictorial element. Going one's own way: This working approach runs like a red line through the development - from the utilization of design in everyday communication, to the website with a newly conceived form of context-relevant content distribution.

Digital Communication